How Graphic Recording can help to get your business on the same page
We’ve all been at a conference, in a strategic team meeting or company wide workshop dying slowly, slide by slide without clarity on the point of the conversation. The aim of graphic recording is to put a live conversation, presentation or concept into an engaging visual form that helps everyone to get on the same page.
In a nutshell, a graphic recorder records conversations, or presentations in real time to produce a finished illustrative concept.
Who does this graphic recording thing?
A graphic recorder or facilitator is the silent but observant outsider, listening and documenting the session in a visual way. Tapping into their graphic skill and creative bank of lettering, illustrations, icons and inspiration, the graphic recorder's job is to tie visual cues in with the words to help present an idea or overarching theme to clarify the message for the audience.
By now you’ve probably realised that I am one of these ‘graphic recorder’ guys (though this is not all that I offer). I’ve been scribing at conferences and events in Australia and around the world for over 8 years. One of my favourite sessions was a Al Ain Zoo in the UAE. We had to wait until a lion had finished roaring before continuing with one of the sessions!
The process
First up, the graphic recorder will work with the client to understand the objectives and running times of the session and what the capture expectations are.
I prefer to record the capture digitally, though some clients prefer to work on whiteboards or foam board. Digital technology opens up how I can provide the outputs of the graphic recording session from high res digital illustrations to video recordings.
In real time, the graphic recorder has to gather as much content as they can and present it in a clear, neat and engaging way in order to deliver an effective end product for the client and audience.
The standard 'in the room' process generally looks like this:
Draw and capture the live conversation/presentation (digitally or whiteboard).
Colour and spell check. Done by our trusty and skilled team onsite.
Present to client for use in follow up communications, strategy document, mail outs, presentations and large scale printing.
It’s that simple!
As you can see, this process takes an idea or concept and turns it into a high quality, high resolution image or video that a team can connect with for future reflection after the event.
Why visual illustrations and videos are better
If you type visual communications into Google, you will find the following key stats mentioned in multiple blog posts and infographics, because at the end of the day they are quite compelling.
90% of information sent to the brain is visual.
Visuals are processed 60,000 times faster than text.
People retain 10% of what they hear, 20% of what they read and 80% of what they see.
The results of graphic recording
Ultimately, having a graphic recorder at your next session, conference or workshop provides a new perspective and opportunity to see things in a new light and leaves your audience or team with a visual representation that can be communicated easily.
If you are interested in exploring graphic recording for your next session, get in touch with Jimmy Patch Illustration to discuss.